
#Entity #Relationship with #ERD.

Are you looking for Database Administrator? Do you need any kind of #Computer #Help or #database #project help? Check the most popular #programming #gigs #exclusively on #Fiverr starting at $5!

#Computer #Assignment #Help:  https://goo.gl/y112vn

Tables - For data storage

Forms - For user friendly data entry and navigation

Reports - For data presentation and summation

Queries - For data searches

#Database #Project:  https://goo.gl/JrSqPG

#Database #ERD #Visio:  https://goo.gl/LiSGq6

#Power #Point #Presentation:  https://goo.gl/HXqL6T

#Microsoft #Excel #Spreadsheet:   https://goo.gl/EhyVdd

#Computer #Technical #Help:  https://goo.gl/y112vn

#Data #Conversion:  https://goo.gl/n9xaFV

#Form #Report #Queries : https://goo.gl/KLA9Fx

#Normalization #ERD:   https://goo.gl/LiSGq6

#Database #Project:  https://goo.gl/VvHdkc

#Microsoft #Access:   https://goo.gl/KLA9Fx

#SQL #MySQL :   https://goo.gl/Rd2RQm

#White paper #Research paper:  https://goo.gl/dhtQub

#Weebly #Wix website:  https://goo.gl/rWvsYw

#Mail merge:  https://goo.gl/zdDhEo

#Test #Games #Apps:  https://goo.gl/qMovBP

#Virtual #Assistant:   https://goo.gl/tiQTZB

#IT #Problem:  https://goo.gl/QiAvas

#Microsoft #Project #Management:  https://goo.gl/aSqNCY

#Software #Developer:  https://goo.gl/JrSqPG

#Oracle #Developer:  https://goo.gl/vBespt

#Power #Point #Presentation:   https://goo.gl/HXqL6T

#Virtual #Assistant:  https://goo.gl/y112vn

#Entity #Relationship :  https://goo.gl/LiSGq6

#SQL #Server #Express:  https://goo.gl/vo8doR

#Unique #Content:  https://goo.gl/Wpbt8h

#Database #Project :  https://goo.gl/QiAvas

#Formulas #Functions #Charts :  https://goo.gl/EhyVdd

what do you want me to do?

- Create a database

- Fix problems

- Improve your existing Microsoft Access files

- Create tables

- Relations

- import/Export

- Queries

- Forms

- Reports

- Repair database

- And more things

Feature -

** Create a database entity-relationship model for you

** Creating & designing MS Access Databases for any versions 

** Creating Tables & Queries to search through the database

** Create any Views / SQL queries

** Designing Forms included in (text, numbers, images, etc.)

** Generating reports with any criteria you may have, and printing it.

** Database in the desired format

** ER diagrams

***Feel free to ask any question***

For more info visit:  https://goo.gl/y112vn

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